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 I / 2003
Polis, nación, mundialización
IX Seminario Internacional en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Instituto de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
4.–11.1.2003 — Santiago de Chile (Chile)
Líneas de trabajo:
- Redes intelectuales, campo cultural, intelligentsia, industria cultural como categorías para pensar la cultura en el espacio mundializado
- La idea de una "polis" mundial: ¿es la politología capaz de pensar la mundialización?
- El mito de la nación versus el mito de la globalización
Identity and Membership in a Global Age
International Conference
Department of Philosophy, National University of Singapore
11.–13.1.2003 — Singapore
  In the past, one is a citizen of a particular nation state first and foremost; talk of "citizens of the world" and such are mostly exceptions that prove the rule. And membership in a nation state could constitute an important aspect of one's identity. Could citizenship, as an important concept in the understanding of one's identity and group membership, remain centered in the nation state in this new age of globalization? Is there a need to revise the rights and obligations of citizenship, even the very meaning of citizenship in the new millennium?
  Apart from membership crossing national state boundaries gaining greater significance in the political action and the formation of individual identities, another challenge to traditional concepts of citizenship lies in ethnic, linguistic, religious, and other group memberships vying with citizenship, not only in political life, but in the very constitution of self.
  The conference will examine both types of challenges from eastern as well as western perspectives. What kind of resources do the different theories of citizenship, east or west, bring to these challenges? How different are eastern and western understanding of citizenship; are there any important commonalities? Could a joining of forces offer further illumination and better solutions?
Entrega de resúmenes
Conferencia Internacional
Oficina del Programa Martiano
Universidad de la Habana etc.
27.–29.1.2003 — La Habana (Cuba)
- Los desequilibrios económicos
- Los desequilibrios sociales
- Los desequilibrios en la cultura y en las ideas
- José Martí: figura histórica y literaria
- José Martí y el equilibrio del mundo
International Conference
International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES)
5.–9.2.2003 — Kandalama (Sri Lanka)
The conference will examine research and activism surrounding ethnicity and diversity in the Asian region. Issues to be addressed include intellectual frameworks for diversity, civil society in Asia, the media, education and culture.
Submission of proposals
Psychoanalysis and Cultural Criticism in the 21st Century
5th Annual Comparative Literature Conference
Program in Comparative Literature, University of South Carolina
13.–15.2.2002 — Columbia, SC (USA)
The conference initiates a conversation about the relevance of psychoanalytic ideas in the twenty-first century. Why do some of us continue to have a desire for psychoanalysis? What is the nature of that desire? What can psychoanalysis teach us about the social arrangements of our increasingly globalized world, and especially, about the psychic origins of our most pressing social problems (racism, sexism, homophobia, nationalistic violence, terrorism, genocide)? Do psychoanalytic theories have anything to say about the highly "dispersed" identities of new information technologies? Or do those theories remain too invested in embodied identities grounded in what Freud calls "the bodily ego"? Finally, can psychoanalytic accounts of creativity and agency offer resources for cultural critique? Can they help us resist the fashionable pessimism that sees the new global culture as inevitable? Or is analysis in some basic way conservative, concerned with accommodating subjects to the norms of the societies in which they live?
Submission of proposals
Ecological Justice and Global Citizenship
2nd Global Conference
13.–15.2.2003 — Copenhagen (Denmark)
This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary conference aims to explore the role of ecology and environmental ideas in the context of contemporary society and international politics, and assess the implications for our understandings of fairness, justice and global citizenship.
The 2003 conference is one of an annual series of conferences which make up a wider project concerned with the possibilities of integrating social, economic and environmental concerns by focusing on four inter-locking areas.
In particular, the 2nd Global Conference on Ecological Justice and Global Citizenship will explicitly explore the relationships between environments, sustainability and technology, the role of technology in creating possibilities for sustainable resources for the future, and the inherent problems and dangers which accompany that role.
Submission of proposals
Third International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations
Globalization Research Center (GRC), University of Hawai'i
Globalism Institute, RMIT University Melbourne
13.–16.2.2003 — Manoa, HI (USA)

1. Defining Diversity and its Relation to the Local and the Global:
- Defining the dimensions of diversity: ethnicity, gender, race, socio-economic, indigenous, gender, sexual preference, disability
- Locating diversity: individuals, groups, intersections, identity layers
- Identifying the dynamics of diversity: exclusion or inclusion, assimilation or pluralism
- Managing diversity: What does it mean? What does it mean to talk about 'productive diversity'?

2. Governing Diverse Communities from 'Above':
- Responding to global human movement and its consequences: immigration, asylum seekers, refugees, diasporic communities and settlement
- Developing multicultural policies and practices
- Responding to racism: its causes, effects and remedies
- Developing a public service for a diverse community: towards a civic pluralism
- Points of intensity: where disability meets ethnos meets gender

3. Governing Diverse Communities from 'Below':
- First nations and indigenous peoples: strategies for community development
- Indigenous rights and colonial wrongs
- Capacity building in communities: access, participation, autonomy
- The politics of community leadership: challenges for local government

4. Managing Diversity in Organisations and Institutions:
- Managing and developing a diverse human resource base
- Diversity measures: the future of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action
- Beyond legislative and regulatory compliance: disability, harassment, discrimination
- Mediation: cultural assumptions and practical outcomes

5. Projecting Diversity Across Nations and Beyond:
- The 'mainstream' and 'minorities' in nation-states
- Truth and reconciliation: examining the past for the sake of the future
- International human rights and local sovereignty
- Transnational regionalism: EU, NAFTA and emerging regionalisms
- North to South, First to Fourth, developed to developing: the language and realities of global inequality
Submission of abstracts
Interdisciplinary Conference
Centre for Applied Philosophy, Flinders University
14.–15.2.2003 — Adelaide (Australia)
Serious questions have been raised about the adequacy of Australia's response to the problem of refugees and aid to reduce poverty and human rights abuses in many countries around the world today. The conference addresses the issue of what we owe to people other than our own citizens, and covers at least the following issues: Does our current policy of mandatory detention violate the rights of asylum seekers? Does our present overseas aid policy meet the claims of those in dire need as a result of avoidable poverty or human rights abuses? The aim of the conference is to advance debate on these issues from philosophical, legal, religious, or political perspectives.
Submission of proposals
8th All India Cultural Studies Workshop
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
17.–22.2.2003 — Goa (India)
The workshop will attend to western theories, but the primary focus is on the challenges, contentions and departures in deploying western theories in different postcolonial contexts. The main attention will be on the emerging realities of the countries of the South in the context of new patterns of global interconnectedness and intensified struggle for grassroots democracy.
- Citizenship and Identities: Historical Origins and Contemporary Challenges
- State, Citizenship and Identities: the contested landscape
- Gender, Ethnicity and Democracy
- The subject of representation
- The moment of the global
Une autre mondialisation?
Colloque franco-britannique
Forum for European Philosophy
Collège International de Philosophie
27.–28.2.2003 — Paris (France)
Le but de ce colloque est de tenter de réévaluer différents courants et aspects de la tradition marxiste à la lumière du phénomène de la "mondialisation" et des divers mouvements "anti-capitalistes" qui se sont développés pour s'y opposer.
Qu'est-ce que la mondialisation? S'agit-il d'un phénomène nouveau? D'un concept nouveau? Quel lien ce concept entretient-il avec les thèmes philosophiques classiques de "monde", de "mondialité"? Quelle place assigne-t-il au "national" et au "local"? Comment la mondialisation entre-t-elle dans le cadre de l'oeuvre de Marx, des théories classiques de l'impérialisme et du "système du monde"? Comment la comprendre par rapport à l'internationalisme et aux pratiques d'organisations internationales comme les Nations Unies? Quels types d'opposition suscite-t-elle? Et comment transforme-t-elle le concept même du politique?
Is there a Tension? How Must It Be Resolved?
International Conference
Francqui Foundation
28.2.–1.3.2003 — Brussels (Belgium)
The conference will examine the possible trade-offs between multiculturalism and the welfare state, both in the West and in developing countries, particularly in Africa. When does recognition of cultural diversity make it more difficult to sustain robust policies of economic solidarity?
Compelled through the challenges posed by the intercultural and gender debate
V. International Congress on Intercultural Philosophy
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Institute of Missiology Missio
3.–7.3.2003 — Seville (Spain)
Propuesta de comunicaciones
Congreso Internacional
Universidad de Deusto
4.–7.3.2003 — Bilbao (España)
  I. Las contribuciones de la Psicología Humanista al siglo XXI:
Se tratarán, desde una perspectiva preferentemente psicológica, diferentes aspectos de una visión integradora del hombre en una sociedad deshumanizada por una deficiente integración de los avances científicos y de los sistemas de comunicación.
  II. El humanismo en su dimensión práctica: economía, ética, política:
Se estudiarán aspectos éticos, políticos, de derechos humanos y de solidaridad relativos a la convivencia marcada por la diferencia socioeconómica y la interculturalidad.
  III. Los cauces del humanismo: educación, arte, literatura, ocio:
Se considerará interdisciplinarmente cómo se transmiten los valores del humanismo a través del sistema educativo, del ocio y mediante el universo cultural del arte y literatura.

Areas temáticas:
1. Corrientes actuales del pensamiento humanista
2. Política y valores en la actualidad
3. Humanismo en clave ética
4. Humanismo y arte contemporáneo
5. La persona y la apertura a la transcendencia
6. Derechos Humanos y Tercer Mundo
7. Perspectivas humanistas desde la Antropologia Social y Cultural
8. Ocio humanista
9. Humanización de la biotecnología en las fases terminales de la vida
10. El modelo de persona en instituciones y empresas del siglo XXI
11. Psicoterapia Humanista ante el nuevo milenio: Directrices y escuelas
12. Aportaciones de la psicología humanista a la Paz
13. Paidea y nuevas tecnologías
14. Familia y valores en el siglo XXI
15. Nuevos retos de la educación ante la diversidad
16. Orientación personal y desarrollo humano
17. Humanismo en clave social
18. Humanismo y educación en Europa
Submission of proposals
Bridging Cultural, Philosophical and Religious Boundaries
International and Interdisciplinary Conference
Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion
Hofstra University
6.–7.3.2003 — Hempstead, NY (USA)
Possible topics:
- Fundamentalism and State
- Fundamentalism and Pluralism
- Religious excluvism Vs Religious Inclusivism
- State and Church
- Religion and Politics
- Economics and Ethics of Globalization
- Global Village and Nationalism
- International Law and Human Rights in Global Context
- Postcolonialism and Postmodern Thinking
- Class Inequality
- Text and Interpretation
- Religion and orientalism
- Diaspora, Diasporic Thinking
- Religious, Philosophical and cultural Boundaries
- Globalization, Transnationalism and Dislocation
Interdisciplinary Conference
Department of History, University of Alabama
7.–9.3.2003 — Tuscaloosa, AL (USA)
The conference will focus on race and ethnicity in the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Atlantic world, and/or the African Diaspora.
A Symposium
Utrecht University
13.–15.3.2003 — Utrecht (The Netherlands)
I. Philosophical traditions: Agency between power and pecognition
II. Social philosophy: Recognition and social criticism
III. Social and political philosophy: Self and other in private and public spheres
IV. Political philosophy: Recognition and civic cooperation
International Conference
Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict Research Group (NECRG), The University of Western Ontario
20.–22.3.2003 — London, Ont. (Canada)
NECRG is organizing a conference on the role of the International Criminal Court in post-conflict situations, with a particular focus on holding political leaders accountable for atrocities. Papers will examine relevant concepts in political and legal philosophy (such as sovereignty and responsibility), legal issues of jurisdiction, evidence and immunity, and political issues concerning the prospects of support for and effective implementation of international criminal justice.
Ciudadanía, política y educación
Seminario Virtual
Departamento de Humanidades, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)
20.3.–4.4.2003 — Seminario Virtual
Sala 1: Ciudadanía y diversidad cultural
- Mesa 1: Estados plurales y sociedad civil
- Mesa 2: Derechos humanos e interculturalidad
- Mesa 3: Multiculturalismo e interculturalidad
Sala 2: Políticas lingüísticas y culturales
- Mesa 1: Pluralismo jurídico y democracia
- Mesa 2: Medios de comunicación e interculturalidad
- Mesa 3: Ley de lenguas y culturas
Sala 3: Innovaciones de la educación bilingüe
- Mesa 1: Educación ciudadana y educación bilingüe
- Mesa 2: El castellano como segunda lengua
- Mesa 3: La EBI en las zonas urbanas
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